Parking aid and rear (backup) camera Ford F150
1. The parking aid and camera systems on today’s vehicles requires sophisticated testing equipment and a well trained staff of technicians to conduct the diagnostics and repairs. Due to the complexities of the equipment and the needed training, this manual will not cover any testing or evaluating of the parking aid or camera systems. Just be aware they are part of today’s vehicles.
2. The camera systems are not only utilized as a backup camera but also as a reference for the lane assist systems and active cruise control systems. Testing and evaluating of these systems requires the use of proper equipment and up-to-date training.
Points of interest for proper camera operation — you can do at home
3. To ensure the camera systems are functioning as designed, keep the lens area of the cameras clean and free of any debris.
4. Do not use abrasive cleansers or a wire brush on the camera lens.
5. Avoid overloading the trunk, driving with a broken windshield, or installing non-conforming wheels and tires. This will throw the balance and aiming points of the cameras off, causing the system to malfunction or not operate at all.
6. For reference purposes: The rear «backup» camera requires a clear field of view for approximately 11 feet behind the rear bumper. The front camera should have 7 feet of clear view, and a side clear field of view of at least 6 feet.
7. Keep the windshield washer bottle topped off at all times. Most new vehicles equipped with a «360» camera are connected to the windshield washer system. When the camera becomes cloudy or dirty it can automatically clean itself.