Cooling fan and shroud — removal and installation Ford F150

Warning: Wait until the engine is completely cool before beginning this procedure.


1. Disconnect the cable from the negative terminal of the battery (see Engine electrical systems).

2. Remove the air inlet duct, air filter housing and the air duct between the air filter
housing and the throttle body (see Fuel and exhaust systems).

3. On turbocharged models, remove the charge air cooler outlet pipe (see Fuel and exhaust systems).

4. On 3.3L/3.5L non-turbocharged and 5.0L models, remove the upper radiator air deflector plastic push-pin type retainers and deflector.

5. Remove the expansion tank mounting bolts and move the tank out of the way without disconnecting the hoses (see Expansion tank – removal and installation).

Ford F150 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems_Cooling fan and shroud - removal and installation _Disconnect the two electrical connectors to the cooling fans

Disconnect the two electrical connectors to the cooling fans

6. Disconnect the electrical connectors to the cooling fans (see illustration).

Ford F150 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems_Cooling fan and shroud - removal and installation _Use a trim tool to detach the wiring harness plastic push-pin retainers

Use a trim tool to detach the wiring harness plastic push-pin retainers

7. Detach the wiring harness plastic pushpin retainers around the fan shroud and remove the harness from the shroud (see illustration).

Ford F150 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems_Cooling fan and shroud - removal and installation _Shroud mounting bolt locations

Shroud mounting bolt locations

Ford F150 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems_Cooling fan and shroud - removal and installation _With the fan shroud pushed back you can see the four retainers that must be removed from below

With the fan shroud pushed back you can see the four retainers that must be removed from below

8. Remove the two shroud mounting bolts (see illustration) then lift the shroud up a few inches and place a block of wood under the shroud. Working from below, disconnect the lower radiator shield from the shroud by removing the four plastic push-pin retainers (see illustration) then remove he shroud.

Ford F150 Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems_Cooling fan and shroud - removal and installation _Carefully lift the shroud up and out of the vehicle

Carefully lift the shroud up and out of the vehicle

9. Remove the fan and shroud assembly from the engine compartment (see illustration).

10. Installation is the reverse of removal, making sure to replace any broken plastic retainers.

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