Initial start-up and break-in after overhaul Ford F150

1. Once the engine has been installed in the vehicle, double-check the engine oil and coolant levels.

2. Disconnect the electrical connector from the Fuel Pump Driver Module (FPDM) (see Fuel pressure relief procedure).

3. With the spark plugs out of the engine and the ignition system and fuel pump dis­abled, crank the engine until oil pressure reg­isters on the gauge or the light goes out.

4. Install the spark plugs and ignition coils and reconnect the electrical connector to the FPDM.

5. Start the engine. It may take a few moments for the fuel system to build up pres­sure, but the engine should start without a great deal of effort.

6. After the engine starts, it should be allowed to warm up to normal operating temperature. While the engine is warming up, make a thor­ough check for fuel, oil and coolant leaks.

7. Shut the engine off and recheck the engine oil and coolant levels.

8. Drive the vehicle to an area with minimum traffic, accelerate from 30 to 50 mph, then allow the vehicle to slow to 30 mph with the throttle closed. Repeat the procedure 10 or 12 times. This will load the piston rings and cause them to seat properly against the cylinder walls. Check again for oil and coolant leaks.

9. Drive the vehicle gently for the first 500 miles (no sustained high speeds) and keep a constant check on the oil level. It is not unusual for an engine to use oil during the break-in period.

10. At approximately 500 to 600 miles, change the oil and filter.

11. For the next few hundred miles, drive the vehicle normally. Do not pamper it or abuse it.

12. After 2,000 miles, change the oil and fil­ter again and consider the engine broken in.

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