Change the transfer case lubricant Ford F150
(4WD models) (every 100,000 miles or 60 months)
1. Drive the vehicle for at least 15 minutes to warm the lubricant in the case. Perform this warm-up procedure with 4WD engaged, if possible.
2. Raise the vehicle and support it securely on jackstands.
Typical transfer case check/fill plug (A) and drain plug (B) are located on the rear of the transfer case
3. Remove the drain plug from the lower part of the case and allow the old lubricant to drain completely.
4. After the lubricant has drained completely, clean the plug and the plug opening, apply thread sealant to the plug, then reinstall the plug and tighten it securely.
5. Remove the filler plug from the case.
6. Fill the case with the specified lubricant until it is level with the lower edge of the filler hole.
7. Clean the filler plug and the plug opening, apply thread sealant to the plug, then reinstall the plug and tighten it securely.
8. Drive the vehicle for a short distance, then check the drain and fill plugs for leakage.