Oil pump — removal and installation Ford F150

1. Drain the oil and remove the oil filter (see Tune-up and routine maintenance).

2. Remove the oil pan (see Oil pan – removal and installation).

2.7L engines

3. Slowly rotate the oil pump drive chain tensioner counterclockwise until a small drill bit or Allen wrench can be inserted through both holes in the tensioner, locking the tensioner against the spring.

4. Remove the four oil pump mounting bolts while supporting the rear of the pump.

5. Slowly lower the rear of the oil pump until the oil pump sprocket can be lifted out of the chain and from the vehicle.

6. Before installing the oil pump, pour a couple of tablespoons of engine oil into the pump the rotate the pump sprocket by hand to prime the pump.

7. Place the sprocket on the pump back into the chain then raise the rear of the pump and install the mounting bolts. Tighten the bolts evenly to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications.

8. Remaining installation is the reverse of removal.

3.3L and 3.5L engines

9. Remove the engine front cover (see Engine front cover – removal and installation).

10. Remove the primary timing chain (see Timing chains and sprockets – removal and installation).

11. Slide the crankshaft sprocket from the crankshaft.

12. Remove the three fasteners and the oil pump pickup and screen assembly.

13. Remove the three oil pump mounting bolts and remove the oil pump.

14. Before installing the oil pump, pour a couple of tablespoons of engine oil into the pump the rotate the pump sprocket by hand to prime the pump.

15. Installation is the reverse of removal. After bolting the oil pump in place tighten the bolts to the torque listed in this Chapter’s Specifications, reinstall the oil pump pickup tube and screen with a new 0-ring.

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